Fundraising With Us

We believe in supporting community and have developed two ways to create revenue for your group or team!

Weekend Fundraiser - This is a great passive way to raise money. Download and send in the Weekend Fundraiser Application Form and you will be assigned a four-day weekend, from Thursday to Sunday.

Our chef will personally create three unique dishes not available on our regular menu and

for every dish sold, $5 goes back to you!

Your weekend will be promoted on our social media and we encourage you

and your members to share our posts.

Be sure to car pool to the restaurant and take part in your own fundraiser weekend!

Once the weekend is over, the money raised will be sent to your group via cheque or e-transfer, as designated on the registration form.

Download Weekend Fundraiser Registration Form

Soup Fundraiser - It is as easy as 1, 2, 3 to do a soup fundraiser with us! Regardless of the item price you get 50% back! Every item bought for $8 gets you $4; $10 items net you $5, and our premium soups sell for $12 but you get $6 back! All soups are in 750 mL containers.

Download Soup Fundraiser Registration Form
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